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Our History

In the early 1950s, Lenoir County began consolidation of its black schools. Woodington was built as a part of this consolidation in 1952, and for its first two years was solely a high school. At the time, Woodington was fed by black elementary schools in Vine Swamp, Spring Branch, Booker, Hickory Grove, Pink Hill, Moss Hill and Woodington areas. However, in 1954, it was fully consolidated and became the home to all black Lenoir County students south of the Neuse River. With the inclusion of nearly 1,000 students, Woodington then added around a dozen classrooms for the elementary hall. Expansion occurred again in 1955 when a cafeteria was added behind the front office, between the gymnasium and classrooms. For the first three years, until the cafeteria was finished, students were given bagged lunches. In 1964, both the Kinston City School system and Lenoir County School system received funding from a bond referendum. A metal building, which is now used for sixth-grade students, was added behind the elementary building. Just five years later in 1969, vocational students built a brick building beside the metal building. The building would later be known as the Lyon's Den, named after Principal James Lyons. The Lyon's den would serve as the band room and later as a weight room. Woodington became a junior high school in 1970 and served as the sole feeder school for South Lenoir. The Longhorns, Woodington's mascot, became causality of desegregation, and like each high school and junior high school in the county would switch mascots. Woodington then became the Raiders. In 1983, Lenoir County Schools switched from a junior high system, seventh through ninth grades, to a middle school system, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. In 2000 Woodington began major renovations, including transforming the former-shop into a band and chorus room. The school's front office was also moved from in front of the gym and auditorium to a new building. The newly constructed building also included a new library and rooms for elective classes. Since 2000 several renovations have been made to the athletic facilities. In 2002, the basketball court was named in honor of former coach Grady Bethel. 
