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Celebration of Science fair highlights student innovation and ingenuity

On a warm January day, students from every grade level across Lenoir County Public Schools gathered together at the Kinston High School performing arts center to showcase their science fair projects. These students won the science fair at their individual school, and this was a chance to highlight their success and demonstrate ingenuity among LCPS students.

LCPS Schedule Changes Week of 1/20/25

Due to the forecasted inclement weather, Lenoir County Public Schools will be closing at noon for all students and staff on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. LCPS will also be closed for all students and staff members on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.

Notice of PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident

Like every other school system in North Carolina and many across the nation and around the world, LCPS has been notified by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction that a data breach has occurred involving the vendor for student information data management used by North Carolina's public schools, a company called PowerSchool.  

There is nothing NCDPI, LCPS or any of the school systems across North Carolina could have done to prevent this incident, as neither we, nor DPI, have access to where the breach occurred. Protecting student and teacher data continues to be a top priority for the NC Department of Public Instruction and for our school system.  We will provide updates when any new information becomes available.

Over 1,300 students named to Honor Roll & Principal's List after the first nine weeks of instruction

Lenoir County Public Schools is proud to recognize over 1,300 students who made their schools’ Principal’s List and Honor Roll in the first nine weeks of classes this school year. The 2024-2025 school year has started with great success, and the number of students recognized only further proves LCPS’ commitment to outstanding instruction and prosperous students. Congratulations to everyone who has been named!

Art of sun reading a book

For LCPS middle school and high school students, a summer of learning fun awaits. Registration is still open for the more than a dozen summer learing camps that comprise the 2024 Summer Enrichment. Academy. For middle school students who need to brush up on their math and English Language Arts, this is the place. For rising sixth graders who want to get a preview of what middle school is like, this is the place. For middle school and high school students who have identified career interests, this is the place. SEA begins July 8 and operates through the month. Transportation, breakfast and lunch are provided. Click the link to learn more and to register.